Section : Evangelism

  • My Hope Billy Graham

    Over 22,000 U.S. Churches Make Preparation for Billy Graham's 'My Hope America' National Outreach

    Over 22,000 churches across the United States will tune in to Billy Graham's My Hope America video program from Nov. 7-10th. Besides the churches, individual Christians are making preparations to open up their homes, or another gathering place, to invite neighbors to watch the 30-minute video featuring life-changing testimonies and Billy Graham's message, and then invite them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.
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    Taiwan's 'Celebrities' Church Expands Outreach in Local Entertainment Industry

    Rev. Abraham Kun, senior pastor of New Life Church in Taipei, Taiwan, wrote on the church’s Facebook page, testifying of God’s faithfulness towards the celebrity converts who have recently started to attend New Life church and come to learn about God’s love and truth. These celebrities include Lulu Xu, Kirsten Rong-Hsuan Ren, and Hannah Quinlivan.
  • Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church Reaches Evangelism Milestone of 1.5 Million People

    The Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church, founded by the famous evangelist Pastor Stephen Tong, has preached the Gospel to 1.5 million Indonesians, much more than its initial goal of reaching 1.3 million for this year. This is a testimony to God's blessing and greatness. According to Pastor Tong's International Evangelism Fellowship's adaptation of the press release by the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church, a survey up until November 9th of this year showed that sermons have the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church's sermons have reached 1.5 million, exceeding historical records.
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    Pastor Luke Zhang: ''Breaking Through Life's Trials and Tribulations''

    There are many trials and tribulations in life, and how to overcome these trials is a lesson that everyone must learn. A few days ago, Pastor Luke Zhang was invited by the Vancouver Chinese Christian Evangelistic Association (VCCEA) to preach in a series of 4 sermons from September 7 to September 9. The sermons focused on "Breaking through in Life", touching on the "trials and tribulations, value, road, and meaning of life" from various perspectives, in aims to reach the final stage of breaking through within oneself.
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    Morley Lee Calls on All Chinese Churches to Work Hard Together in Spreading the Gospel

    Pastor Morley Lee, former General Secretary for the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE), mentioned at the eighth CCCOWE conference in Indonesia that despite his stepping down from the leadership position last September, he will continue to travel to different places to preach the Gospel. He has recently shared his expectations and encouragements towards the global Chinese churches at the LOGOS Evangelical Seminary in Los Angeles.
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    Casual, Consensual Sex Has Hurt America, Greg Laurie Says

    Casual sex between consenting adults is cool and doesn’t hurt anyone is a phrase one hears frequently from those who practice it, but it hurts, at least it has hurt America in a big way, Pastor Greg Laurie said at a mega crusade in Southern California Saturday night.
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    Alpha – Reaching 100,000 People for Christ Without the Religion

    Some 100,000 people are expected to make commitments to Christ this year through the widely popular Alpha Course. Over a decade after being introduced to the United States, the course is again being picked up by churches across the country as more people seek answers to questions about God and the meaning of life.
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    Reaching Out With Message of God's Love in Hong Kong

    Hong Kong – This year’s Lunar New Year fell on Valentine’s Day, which is February 14, so the night markets throughout the city were filled with flowers and gifts made for Valentine’s Day. Some churches have setup booths there in order to share the message of God’s love through praise songs, which was like spring water in loud and busy market place.
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    36th Annual Great Vancouver Area Evangelism Conference: “Words of Eternal Life”

    VANCOUVER – Starting Apr. 24, the 36th Annual Greater Vancouver Area Evangelism Conference with the theme titled “Words of Eternal Life”, will feature Mr. Bian Yunbo, an 83 years-old Chinese preacher and former coworker of one of the China's church fathers Mr. Ming Dao Wang, as the main speaker in the following three days. On the first night, Mr. Bian explicated Romans 12:1-2, encouraging the attendants to “Serve under grace, Renew the Minds”.
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