Rev. Boli Zhang: Christians Are Finding Excuses to “Leave America to God”

Oct 10, 2024 11:32 AM EDT

In his church sharing, Rev. Boli Zhang emphasized the responsibility of Christians in politics, especially the right to vote during elections. Citing the context from the 2014 US elections, he pointed out the low turnout of Christians, especially how there were 40 million evangelical Christians who did not vote, and 15 million who were not even registered voters. The pastor mentioned that often the excuse for this sentiment is to 'leave America to God', believing that God will be in power and therefore there is no need to participate in voting.

Rev. Boli then quoted Esther 4:14 to emphasize the responsibility of a Christian. As Mordecai counseled Esther, “If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.” The pastor called on Christians to realize their role in society and the nation. Especially in the face of issues such as abortion, female Christians must awaken and step into their duties as mothers and wives.

In the historical background, Rev. Boli mentioned the story of Queen Esther and Minister Haman during the Persian Empire. Haman plotted to destroy the Jews, and Esther ultimately stood up courageously to save her people. Rev. Boli pointed out that this story is not only a power struggle but also a scheme of Satan. He emphasized that Christians should not ignore such deceptions as they still exist in today's society, especially in attacks on Israel and Christians.

Rev. Boli further discussed the history of the United States, noting that it was founded as a nation based on Christianity. However, in recent years, Christianity's place in public life has been eroded, and many activities related to the Christian faith have been deemed unconstitutional in public schools. He warned that this change is caused by 'Haman' who seeks to eliminate Christianity.

In conclusion, Pastor Boli called on Christians to act and actively participate in politics and leave all the heavy lifting to God. He emphasized the need for Christians to speak out for their faith and pray for the future of the nation. Through active participation, Christians will not only be able to influence society but also answer God's call to them.