Chinese Pastor Shares Mission Experience: Revival Meetings Present Highest Churn Rates, Church Planting is Best Evangelism Strategy

Oct 10, 2024 11:20 AM EDT

In Pastor Tong Liu's recent sharing, he put special focus on church planting as the best strategy for evangelism. In recent years, the River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) has increasingly found church planting to be the most effective way when it comes to evangelism. In the past, they often held large-scale evangelistic revival meetings, and although they witnessed many conversions, the churn rate for believers was also very high. In contrast, church planting is the best way to preserve the fruit of the gospel.

Pastor Liu mentioned that an important principle when doing cross-cultural church planting is to raise up local co-workers to lead the church. Local co-workers do not have cultural and language barriers, and they are able to build the church according to the local culture so that the church can continue to grow. He shared that over the years, their church has adhered to this principle as they started mission and church planting efforts. Currently, they have planted over 350 churches in 33 countries around the world, all glory to God.

Bringing Local Impact through Vocation and Operation Grace
Pastor Liu went on to say that churches should not only evangelize through church planting but also bring about local impact through the workplace and acts of mercy. He quoted Matthew 5:16, where the Lord Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Pastor Liu pointed out that proclaiming God's love and power is not achieved by condemning the world, but rather by our good works, through excellence in the workplace and acts of love. This way, this generation can experience God's love and works, and thus believe in Jesus Christ and give glory to God.

Pastor Liu asked the congregation to reflect on why God had placed them in North America and given them such abundant grace and resources. Is God's intention only for them to enjoy a good life and fulfill their personal needs? He emphasized that God pours down abundant grace in order to accomplish the work of God's kingdom through believers. Therefore, he urges them all not to underestimate themselves; God has a greater mission in every single person to be a vessel of miracles.

Living out the Glory and Greatness of God
Pastor Liu encouraged the believers to live out the glory and excellence of God by faith. Because the Holy Spirit dwells in them, the glory and excellence of God are also within them. He emphasized that God's glory is visible, with concrete and visible manifestations of changed lives, renewed families, joy in worship, ability to serve, acts of love, and transformed communities. When the world sees the glorified church, they cannot help but believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and give glory to God.

Development of ROLCC
Finally, Pastor Liu reviewed the development of ROLCC. He mentioned that twenty-nine years ago, when they first founded the church, it was just a small river, but the river got wider and deeper, and now it has become a tremendous river. He gave thanks for this and encouraged the believers to continue to move forward under God's leadership, to be part of this river of life, and to witness God's glory together.