It's almost an annual tradition: a mass shooting takes place on campus or in a public venue. Then politicians and various stakeholders dive into an emotionally-charged debate about gun control. Duck Dynasty star Jase Robertson's views are more or less predictable: he still doesn't believe in gun free zones - but feels more compassionate towards those who feels differently than he does, People reports.
Given that the Louisiana native owns weapons and lives in a community where everyone does likewise, it is no surprise if he comes off as a staunch supporter of Second Amendment. Nevertheless, he still feels bad about the victims of recent shootings in the Oregon Umpqua Community College.
"When you see something like this...It's terrible. It's excruciating to watch," Roberson told People in an interview.
Many Oregon natives have criticized President Obama and other US officials who used the tragedy as their launching pad for imposing stricter gun-control measures across the country. Prominent voices have pointed out that the Oregon campus itself was a gun-free zone and that the tragedy happened because the civilians were unarmed and unable to protect themselves from the lone shooter.
The shooter has since been identified as troubled Chris Harper-Mercer, who was reportedly upset at his not having a girlfriend and was obsessed with the devil. He had singled out Christians for their faith and shot them in the head.
For Robertson, this kind of scenario is something that he will never have to worry about simply because "everyone" living around him in Louisiana has a gun. The Duck Dynasty star tells people, "People just know we're armed and we're dangerous."
Biz Pac Review adds that Robertson, despite his security in responsible gun ownership, only wants people to love each other and "value human life." He does not subscribe to more laws on gun control but instead believes that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
Robertson of the Duck Dynasty reality TV show thinks gun control laws will only create more opportunities for trigger-happy criminals who know that they will be getting free reign on a shoot-all-you-can rampage. More people will suffer when the evil-intentioned know that they will very likely encounter an unarmed populace who will be subjected to their will.
Robertson adds, that there's no point to "giving power to people with evil intentions if they can go to a gun free area."