With Season 4 of Scandal debuting today, viewers should expect to see the return of Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) to Washington, D.C. In the sections below, we will explore the top three plot details audience should expect when the fourth season begins. As a word of warning, there are spoilers ahead.
In preparation for the new season, Netflix subscribers can binge-watch all three current seasons of Scandal. Viewers can watch Scandal episodes for free on the official ABC site.
Scandal Season 4 premieres this Thursday, Sept. 25 at 9pm ET on ABC.
More Screen Time with Olivia Pope
Actress Kerry Washington's real life pregnancy resulted in fewer appearances for Olivia last season. The film crew resorted to many awkward attempts to block Washington's midsection, whenever Olivia had to be present. With Kerry giving birth in April, Scandal showrunners have promised more screen time for the show's leading lady.
During the third season finale, Olivia left behind her "gladiators" by boarding a private flight with Jake (Scott Foley). Before leaving, Jake leaks classified B613 documents to David Rosen (Joshua Malina) who is intent on taking down "Papa Pope".
'Papa Pope', a.k.a. Rowan Pope, is Back in Business
For his role in killing his estranged-wife Maya Lewis (Khandi Alexander), Rowan "Eli" Pope (Joe Morton) is reinstated as head of the nefarious B613 agency.
Earlier, President Fitz's son Jerry dies rather dramatically during a campaign event. It turns out Jerry was poisoned with a lethal dose of bacterial meningitis. Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) believes that Maya is responsible, and wants her dead. Eli conveniently approaches the president with a proposal to assassinate Maya secretly. When the operation is a success, B613 is reestablished with Pope returning as its head.
Wright Harrison (Columbus Short) figures out that Pope was behind Jerry's murder, and had manipulated the president into believing Maya was the killer. This conspiracy along with others got B613 back online. Harrison gets a bullet for his troubles. In Season 4, Olivia and her 'gladiators' will come to terms with Wright's sudden death.
Maya is Not Really Dead, but in B613 Custody
In an abrupt twist, Eli did not have Maya killed. He lies to Fitz about Maya, and traps his former wife beneath the floor of the B613 facility. It is not clear what Eli plans to do with her in the next season. What is certain is that viewers may see more of Maya, who also happens to be Olivia's mother.
Despite her terrorist credentials, Maya is really a mercenary whose loyalty is to the highest bidder. Prior to being apprehended by B613, she sets off a bomb in a church that was intended for the president. Fitz was not harmed, but many people were killed. Maya may continue trying to assassinate POTUS in future episodes.
Fans can watch Scandal Season 4 premiere live stream at abc.go.com (free for cable subscribers), if you cannot watch it on TV, you can visit ABC official site next week and watch the entire episode for free.