NULL Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson Interview on Show’s Success, Christian Family Values

Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson Interview on Show’s Success, Christian Family Values

Apr 22, 2014 01:07 PM EDT

Willie Robertson

Fox News anchor Sean Hannity recently interviewed Willie Robertson about his family's values and their "Duck Dynasty" success. Hannity, who considers himself a "super fan" of the show, says he has been trying to get an interview with Willie for quite some time.

Hannity first asked if the "Duck Dynasty" star thought that A&E was surprised that the Robertsons have attracted millions to the show. "Your wife said that they thought America might laugh at you," he said - "and then America laughed with you and supported you, and identified with you." Willie quipped that the Robertsons' physical appearance probably made it difficult for some people to think that they could identify with his family initially, but that once people began to watch the show they realized that there was more to the Robertsons' rough appearance. "You may see a crazy uncle, you may see your Dad ... set in his ways," Willie laughed - "It's a bunch of unique characters and we're true to life."

The news anchor questioned whether the antics on "Duck Dynasty" truly depict the family's everyday lifestyle - "I didn't go to acting school," Willie joked - "we all just happen to be the best actors ever! No, we're just playing ourselves," he says.

When asked about the family dinner and prayer at the end of each episode, Willie said that the Robertson family had grown up eating meals together, which meant coming together at the end of the day no matter what had happened amongst them. Phil would tell stories about his old duck call-making days, and the younger Robertson men soon became good story tellers in their own rite. The family thought that a dinner together would be a great way to end the show, too.

The prayer at the beginning of the meal - a strange sight for modern reality television programming - is really just one of the Christian family's habits. "To us, Sean, it was a simple thing - just saying a prayer before a meal," Willie says - "It was just something that we do." The family is thankful that the prayer and the show in general have seemed to touch a lot of viewers' lives, with some fans even being baptized by the Robertsons after being moved to come to Christ.

When asked what would be next for the Robertson family, Willie mentioned that the family is contemplating buying a duck hunting island. "Somewhere right in the rivers [where] you can hunt something," he smiled.