In less than an hour ago, Limbless evangelist Nick Vujicic announced on Facebook to over half million of his fans that his son is born.
"Kiyoshi James Vujicic BORN! Thank You Jesus!!" Said Vujicic, who just celebrated his one year wedding anniversary with his wife Kanae Miyahara yesterday.
To the Vujicic's, it is the perfect gift from God just before the Valentine's day.
Exactly one year ago, Vujicic's marriage with Miyahara sends off a message of God's goodness to those who believes in Him. Their marriage took place just before Valentine's Day, and today their son is born healthy with ten toes and ten fingers.
Vujicic, 30, has boarded over 900 flights, addressing over three million people in 25 countries, including Australia, United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, South Africa, Columbia, India, and others.
Although he is so different from most people in this world, Vujicic believes that to own a healthy mind and spirit from the power of faith is more important than having anything else. His life and speeches have touched countless lives, allowing the audience to know that God has created everyone with a beautiful purpose.
Despite the many limitations in life, Vujicic holds on to the Bible scripture verse, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”