NULL Chinese Church Leader Addresses on the Spiritual Welfare in Christian Life

Chinese Church Leader Addresses on the Spiritual Welfare in Christian Life

Chinese Christians on the Stream of Praise (SOP) Conference were better equipped with the amour of God to fight the spiritual battle in their lives.
Jan 02, 2006 09:59 AM EST

Chinese Christians on the Stream of Praise (SOP) Conference were better equipped with the amour of God to fight the spiritual battle in their lives.

In the afternoon of the last day of the SOP International Leadership and Worship Conference, different classes have continued to be hosted by main speakers. During a class entitled "Spiritual Welfare," Rev Abraham Poon from the San Jose Christian Alliance Church (SJCCA) addressed on how Christians can gain victory over the battle. The lecture has attracted some hundreds of participants.

By referring to the Bible, Poon explained the three aspects of "Spiritual Welfare" one by one, including that in the air, on the earth and within the body. While the goal of Christians who have already received salvation is what so-called "complete sanctification," there are those confrontations that the Satan sets to prevent them from achieving the goal.

"What kind of spiritual welfare do we face? It is not only about kicking out the demons… it is not that we have to look for demons and kick them out… but we have to be able to resist the temptation from the Satan. When you are able to defeat the temptation, you are the victor of life. The point of complete sanctification is to live a holy life," said Poon.

Poon emphasized on the reality faced by those who have already received salvation, "The spirit of man has already received salvation through the death of Jesus Christ. Once we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in us. Nevertheless, the body and the soul are still waiting for salvation."

Christians are very easily fallen into sins if they allow the desires of the body or the soul to rule over their lives. Therefore, he suggested Christians to let the spirit to have complete control over the body and the soul. In order to present a living sacrifice to God, the body and the soul require education and training, so that they can listen and follow the spirit that God has given to Christians.

"But what is the curriculum of education? It’s the Bible," said Poon.

He added that the Word of God is the standard to reflect and judge people’s lives. While the Word of God should be used to repute ourselves, believers should never use it to repute others’ sins.

In conclusion, the victory of the spiritual welfare faced by Christians is laid on the strong hold to the Word of God- the Holy Spirit.