Ministerial Service Help Line Offered in Spanish

Oct 26, 2003 10:57 PM EST

The Assemblies of God's Ministerial Enrichment Office and EMERGE's Help Line have decided to provide counseling service for Spanish-speaking ministers, missionaries and their families who are having difficulties.

Starting October 23, 2003, and every Thursday evening for the next 13 weeks, from 5 - 9 p.m. (EST), a clinician fluent in Spanish will answer the Help Line to assist A/G Hispanic constituents.

"Although this is a test project," says National Coordinator of Ministerial Enrichment Gary R. Allen, "I'm excited about the potential of this totally confidential service for A/G Hispanic constituents. If this service proves to be successful and worthwhile to the Spanish-speaking population of the Assemblies of God, it will become a permanent service."

For more information, see the EMERGE Web site