Section : Politics

  • Sally Yates

    Sally Yates, Veteran Attorney General, Fired by Trump Over Travel Ban Dissent

    After acting attorney general Sally Yates issued a memo Monday ordering U.S. Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Trump's controversial immigration executive order, he "relieved" her of her duties," according to a White House statement late Monday evening. Yates, 56, a career official with a history of bipartisan support and former U.S. President Barack Obama appointee, said she was "not convinced" Trump's immigration order is "lawful" and that the Justice Department would not defend it in court "until I become convinced that it is appropriate to do so." The Washington Post reported Yates was informed of her dismissal 2 minutes before the statement announcing it was sent to reporters.
  • Immigration Protests Washington DC

    Trump Defends His Immigration Executive Order Amid US, Global Outcry: ‘This Is Not Muslim Ban’

    President Donald Trump defended his controversial executive order that bars the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States, as thousands of protesters chanted outside of the White House and at multiple, major U.S. airports on Sunday in opposition of the president's sudden immigration policy change. Trump denied the ban was religiously-driven, but confused matters by also announcing Christian refugees would get first priority for U.S. entry. Many people now are seeking answers about why Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are not on Trump's immigration ban, which are countries in which Trump companies do business.
  • bannon security

    #StopPresidentBannon Trends on Twitter Amid Muslim Ban Protests

    After Steve Bannon was promoted to a role on the National Security Council on Saturday by President Donald Trump, the hashtag #StopPresidentBannon hit the top of Twitter's U.S. trending chart as thousands objected to President Trump's chief strategist. Before his political career, Bannon served as executive chair of Breitbart News, which is considered a far-right news, opinion and commentary website that Bannon described as the platform of the Internet-based alt-right, anti-mainstream movement. Associated Press sources from the White House stated Bannon's addition was "essential to the commander in chief's decision-making process."
  • immigration ban

    Immigration Travel Ban: Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Oppose Trump's Executive Order

    Silicon Valley leaders immediately expressed concern and denounced an executive order signed on Friday by U.S. President Donald Trump that temporarily banned immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, even if they already were approved to do so. However this ban was temporarily overturned on Saturday after American Civil Liberties Union officials won an emergency stay in federal court, meaning those affected with valid visas cannot be deported and sent back to their home countries.
  • David Brody and Trump

    Christian Refugees to be Given Priority into US by Trump, But He Also Froze Syrian Requests

    Persecuted Christians from other nations will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, said President Donald Trump in an interview Friday. His full remarks to Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody of The Brody File are slated to air Sunday evening on Freeform, as well as Monday on The 700 Club. The United States admitted a record number of 38,901 Muslim refugees in 2016, according to a Pew study, but nearly the same number of Christians, 37,521, also were admitted.
  • 'Life is Winning in America,' Mike Pence Beams

    "Life is winning in America," says Vice President Mike Pence. Indeed, with abortion rates at an all-time low since 1974, it is a day worthy of a special commemoration and, well, a march. Pence did just that today in participating at and speaking on behalf of the unborn at the 2017 March for Life in Washington. Beaming with unswerving conviction, Vice-President Pence added: "Be assured: Along with you we will not grow weary, we will not rest, until we restore a culture of life in America for ourselves and our posterity." These actions designated him the first, highest official ranking to address the Washington March.
  • The Executive Order: A Brief Constitutional Litmus Test

    The power of executive order is, I have noted, often regarded with a suspicious eye---almost as though, it somehow originated from some great transgression or horrendous governmental conspiracy. Despite the sense of notoriety, however, some will be surprised to learn that the executive order is actually backed both by the Constitution as well as by history. Beginning, in fact, with our country's first president, founding father, and general.
  • Texas Radio Station Cites 'Patriotism' in Banning Madonna's Music

    "Banning all Madonna songs at HITS 105 is not a matter of politics, it's a matter of patriotism," Terry told Billboard, "It just feels wrong to us to be playing Madonna songs and paying her royalties when the artist has shown un-American sentiments. If all stations playing Madonna took their lead from us, that would send a powerful economic message to Madonna."
  • The Women's March on Washington: Reflections of a Christian Woman

    The truth is as I'm sure some of you have surmised by now, this isn't your great-great-great grandmother's suffrage. While it is tempting and even seemingly noble to empower women---and, don't get me wrong, there is an appropriate time and place for it---the very women cited for their movement of suffrage would cringe at the subjects deemed "rights" now.
  • Knoxville's 2017 March for Life

    TN March for Life Organizer Attributes Decrease in Abortion to 'State Level Efforts,' but Warns Against Complacency

    I sat among a rough estimate of 700 people in the World's Fair Park Amphitheater; praise to Jesus, there were definitely increased numbers since the last few years before. In fact, while I couldn't quite put a finger on it, there seemed to be a different spirit in the air altogether. A kind of sense of hope and motivation, as though we had all passed through an invisible storm and passed into the eye, with a sudden recognition of safety and a grasp of something tangible. There was nothing particularly different about the program departing from the usual schedule, and yet the mass seemed unusually strengthened, a marked excitement in the air evidenced by the loud, collective responses and filed seats.
  • White House Obama LGBT Web Page

    Trump Administration Purges LGBTQ Rights, Health Care, Climate Change White House Web Pages

    A page previously about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights is non-existent after U.S. President Donald Trump was sworn in. The page reportedly was gone within an hour of Trump taking office. It was replaced by a Trump "transitionsplash" page. Other previously available White House webpages about climate change, civil rights and health care, also were taken down.
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