Section : Events

  • St. Basil's Cathedral

    U.S. Churches Vow to Not Leave Russia Even After New Law Makes Evangelizing Illegal

    Representatives of several U.S.-based religious denominations rooted in evangelizing and missionary work are choosing to defy the new "Yarovaya laws" laws in Russia that would ban them from proselytizing. The package of laws, billed as anti-terrorism measures, was passed by the Russian Duma, or parliament, on June 24 and signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 7. Leading Russian human rights activists said authorities used an air disaster -- the October bombing of a Russian passenger jet -- as a pretext for an assault on basic freedoms, including religion.
  • Judge Gavel

    Judge Sentenced Catholic to Attend Baptist Church Rather Than Go to Jail

    In Ohio, Judge William Mallory is known for handing out creative sentences from his Hamilton County Courthouse bench, but one ruling he issued last week has attracted much attention. Instead of sending Jake Strotman to jail on a misdemeanor for an attempted assault conviction, Mallory sent the 23-year-old Catholic to a Baptist church for the next 12 Sundays.
  • Pentecost

    Pentecost 2016: Holy Spirit Meaning, History, Bible Verses and Birthday of the Church

    While not all Christians will recognize the Pentecost religious holiday as a holy day on May 15 this year, it generally is honored in liturgical churches whose congregations are Protestant, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox and Charismatic -- and of course, Pentecostal. Pentecost may not as well-known, or as popular as Christmas and Easter, though it commemorates a watershed event in Christian history typically marked as the birthday of the church.
  • Fred Berry

    Azusafest 2016 Revival Geared To Unlock Pentecostal 'Wave of God's Spirit' In Los Angeles

    Azusafest and Azusanow culminates this Sunday, April 10, at a closing ceremony on the same 312 Azusa Street property where the historic Pentecostal Azusa Street revival meeting took place in Los Angeles, Calif. on April 9, 1906. The meeting is known as the origin of the Pentecostal movement. The Azusafest celebration is a pre- and post-event to the Azusanow 2016 celebration in the Los Angeles coliseum on April 9.
  • Faith Driven Consumer

    AT&T, Comcast, Allstate, Marriott and Wells Fargo Asked to Stop Excluding Christian Consumers

    A new survey by Lifeway Research found that two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) said Christians face increasing intolerance, up from half (50 percent) in 2013. One advocacy group, Faith Driven Consumer (FDC), is trying to affect a different future pattern by launching a new "#GodsNotDead2Us grassroots movie to movement campaign" that targets and challenges five, top diversity and inclusion leaders -- AT&T, Comcast, Allstate, Marriott and Wells Fargo -- to treat Christian employees and customers with the same equality as they treat other consumer segments.
  • BC Comic Strip Good Friday

    Celebrating Good Friday by Sharing Notes, Bible Verses, and Quotes about the Day the Son of God Was Crucified

    I always admired the comic strip B.C. for its postings on Good Friday, and this particular one shows why this day is called "good". While Easter Sunday is a great time of celebration for Christians to commemorate the resurrection of Christ, it is also important to remember that He died, as well as why. For these reasons, it is good for Christians to send notes or messages to celebrate Good Friday. This is how to celebrate Good Friday by sharing notes, verses, and quotes about Jesus' death on the cross.
  • Jencarlos Canela

    Religion Is Not God, Says Jencarlos Canela Who Played Jesus in Fox Musical 'The Passion'

    Although Jencarlos Canela performed as Jesus Christ in Fox TV's live musical The Passion Sunday evening, the singer-songwriter doesn't profess to being the typically devout, religious man in his real life. He praises peace and love, and has respect for the symbol of the cross, however said, "But sometimes when I walk into church and see the image of Jesus nailed to the cross, I wonder, do I need to constantly be exposed to that to remember what my Father did for me?"
  • Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday 2016 Meaning, Bible Verses and How To Make Palm Crosses for Holy Week

    Whether referenced as Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday, Yew Sunday or Branch Sunday, the Sunday before Easter each year is a solemn, important observance for Christians around the world. The tradition of Christians carrying palms on Palm Sunday is associated with Jesus' followers covering his path with palm fronds the day he entered Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. As palm leaves are carried into homes, Christians are declaring the choice to accept Jesus as the King and ruler of lives and families.
  • Heroin Addict

    Fight Drugs, Porn, Gambling Abuse In 'Just Pray No' Weekend With Millions of Christians

    During the 26th annual "Just Pray NO!" to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting April 2-3, Christians around the world will join in intercessory prayer on behalf of those who are addicted to drugs, as well as pray for the families affected. Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs costs the United States more than $700 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care, according to National Institute of Health current statistics.
  • National Day of Repentance

    Repentance Starts With Self-Revival, 2016 Can Include 'It is Time' Selfie Challenges

    Repentance and faith can be understood as "two sides of the same coin." The term repentance, from the Greek word metanoia, means "turning from sin." The biblical definition of repentance often is interpreted more as "change one's mind." Regardless of exact personal definitions of repentance, many Christians believe it is nearly impossible to place faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior without first changing one's mind about who He is and what He has done.
  • Mother Teresa with Pope John Paul II

    Mother Teresa's Canonization Sainthood Expected to Be Shared by Pope Francis On March 15

    Pope Francis will hold and preside over an ordinary public consistory of cardinals in the Vatican March 15, during which he will sign the decree for canonizing Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata and four others. Canonization is the act within the Orthodox, Oriental Orthodoxy, Roman Catholic or Anglican Church of being recognized after death as a someone who lived a virtuous life as God's servant and who was involved with perceived miracles.
  • Harvest America 2016 Texas AT&T Stadium

    Harvest America 2016: Thousands Accept Christ at Evangelical Event with Greg Laurie in Texas

    Approximately 82,000 people gathered at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, for Harvest America 2016, an evangelical outreach event, on Sunday evening. Pastor Greg Laurie, host and senior pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship megachurch in California, said thousands responded to his invitation to pray to accept Jesus into their lives. The event also featured musical guests Chris Tomlin, Lecrae, Switchfoot and MercyMe.
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