Section : Education

  • Queen of Katwe

    New Disney Faith Movie: 'Queen of Katwe' Shares Joy of Christian Missionary Work

    What do chess, conviction and religion have in common? The thread among these three aspects will be explained in a new Walt Disney movie about missionaries in Uganda. Entitled "Queen of Katwe," the new movie was inspired by a true story about the bond between missionary Robert Katende and Phiona Mutesi, a girl growing up in the slum area of Kampala. The film is slated to debut in theaters Sept. 23, 2016.
  • Billy Graham with Bible

    Billy Graham: 'Heart’s Deceit Remains World’s Biggest Problem'

    When evangelist Rev. Billy Graham recently was asked what he thought was the biggest problem of today's world, he had three words: "the human heart." Then he explained the Bible puts it bluntly and he quoted Jeremiah 17:9, which states "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
  • Jason Byassee

    God's 'Not Above Meeting Us in Movie Theaters' Says Vancouver Professor

    Vancouver School of Theology professor Jason Byassee believes Christians can find messages and analogies in movies that even may be perceived as "flagrantly irreligious or hostile to morality." This former North Carolina church minister insists morality can be seen in its own right, especially in superhero movies.
  • Paulette McKenzie Leaphart

    Breast Cancer Survivor Ends 1,000-Mile Shirtless 'Walk with God' in D.C.

    Eight months after Paulette Leaphart's double mastectomy, she said God spoke to her and told her to remove her shirt. She was at the beach over Labor Day weekend at the time, and as strangers saw her scars, they started to cry but also applauded. Those unplanned minutes launched Leaphart's new personal purpose to help other survivors find beauty in their bodies - to free them.
  • Garrison Keillor

    Garrison Keillor, 'A Prairie Home Companion,' Ends 42-Year Religious Radio Run

    For 42 years, Garrison Keillor's soothing voice slid a slice of Americana into many lives through his popular radio show "A Prairie Home Companion." Keillor, who concluded his role as host on July 2 in an episode taped at the Hollywood Bowl, also injected a vigorous dose of religion into the show. For "church people," the stories and songs had a familiar, humorous ring.
  • Porno

    Religion Guides Adolescents Away From Pornography

    Adolescents between the ages of 13 to 24 who are attending religious services tend to view less pornography, compared to others of the same age who are not going to church, finds a new paper published in the Journal of Adolescence.
  • The Young Messiah

    Jesus' Childhood Portrayed in 'The Young Messiah' Movie For Home Viewing

    A movie about the struggles of Jesus' childhood and the issues that surfaced for his family will be available for home viewing through a movie entitled The Young Messiah. Released by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, the movie will be available for purchases on digital HD as of May 24, and on DVD and Blu-Ray as of June 14.
  • Alice Cooper

    Alice Cooper Religion: 'Every Word of Bible is True,' Launches Teen Ministry

    It may surprise some people to learn Vincent Furnier - also known as the singer of bizarre lyrics and macabre stage theatrics, Alice Cooper - was born the son of a minister, especially given the rocker used to simulate animal sacrifice, and even his own execution, on stage. However, these days, Furnier called on his religious faith to found Solid Rock, a teen ministry in Phoenix, Az., aimed to keep kids out of trouble during non-school hours.
  • Pentecost

    Pentecost 2016: Holy Spirit Meaning, History, Bible Verses and Birthday of the Church

    While not all Christians will recognize the Pentecost religious holiday as a holy day on May 15 this year, it generally is honored in liturgical churches whose congregations are Protestant, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox and Charismatic -- and of course, Pentecostal. Pentecost may not as well-known, or as popular as Christmas and Easter, though it commemorates a watershed event in Christian history typically marked as the birthday of the church.
  • Heroin Addict

    Fight Drugs, Porn, Gambling Abuse In 'Just Pray No' Weekend With Millions of Christians

    During the 26th annual "Just Pray NO!" to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting April 2-3, Christians around the world will join in intercessory prayer on behalf of those who are addicted to drugs, as well as pray for the families affected. Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs costs the United States more than $700 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care, according to National Institute of Health current statistics.
  • Trump at Liberty University

    Donald Trump Endorsement Was Mistake Says Liberty University's Mark DeMoss About Jerry Falwell Jr.

    Televangelist Jerry Falwell Sr.'s former chief of staff, Mark DeMoss, broke his silence Tuesday about disagreeing with Jerry Falwell Jr.'s endorsement of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump. Not only did DeMoss indicate that Falwell's endorsement was a mistake, he also claimed it was a "concern" for Liberty University, the Virginia Christian college founded by the elder Falwell and now led by his son.
  • God's Not Dead 2

    God's Not Dead 2: New Trailer Stars Melissa Joan Hart in Eastertime Christian Drama Movie

    As an upcoming movie starring actress and director Melissa Joan Hart as a Christian teacher who is forced before a judge for answering a question about Jesus in the classroom, "God's Not Dead 2: He's Surely Alive" tackles several ethical and freedom of religion dilemmas facing society today. In the movie, the principal and superintendent join forces with a zealous civil liberties group, and the teacher faces an epic court case that could cost her a career she loves and expel God from the classroom.
  • Tennessee Religion Classes

    Religious Teaching in Tennessee Public Schools Debated, House Passes Bill to Restrict Proselytizing

    Debates about exactly how to teach religion to Tennessee public school students are rocking the state's school districts to their cores, with activists and concerned parents saying they worry middle school students are being "indoctrinated" with a sanitized version of Islam. Tennessee legislators got involved, and determined that educators could still teach students about religion, but not in any way that proselytizes, under a bill that passed the state House on Monday night.
  • University of Cincinnati Students

    New Ohio Bill 425 On Religion to Prohibit Penalizing or Rewarding Student's Faith Expression: A Benefit or a Detriment?

    Student religious expression is being explored from various perspectives in America's Midwest. Conversations about holding scriptural belief and Darwinian evolution concepts as equally valid within a scientific classroom continues on the University of Cincinnati campus. House Bill 425, known as the Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2016, passed the Ohio Legislature last week, drawing many responses, from campus ministers to anthropology professors to the campus' Secular Student Alliance.
  • Harvard Divinity School Misunderstandings of Religion

    Religious Literacy in Today's World: New Harvard Divinity Free Online Course Launches March 1

    "World Religions Through Their Scriptures," Harvard Divinity School's newest online course, launches March 1, with a goals of opening dialogues and changing the world. Religious literacy, in modern terms, now requires acknowledging that faith communities are internally diverse and always evolving, said Diane Moore, lead organizer of the online course and director of Harvard Divinity School's Religious Literacy Project.
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