Section : Church Growth

  • Seattle Seahawks Interview with Mark Driscoll

    'Jesus Is Better than Super Bowl,' Testifies Seattle Seahawks Christian Players Russell Wilson, Okung, Maragos, Gresham, Coach Seto

    Pastor Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church interviewed four Seattle Seahawks players and one of their coaches earlier this month about their love for Jesus Christ in the midst of Super Bowl hype. Russell Wilson, Russell Okung, Chris Maragos, Clint Gresham, and Coach Rocky Seto hope to leverage their influence in the National Football League (NFL) for the glory of Jesus Christ, and were asked by Pastor Mark to give quick responses to the question, "Who's Jesus?"
  • Rick Warren at Ebenezer Baptist Church Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Rick Warren Honors 'Pastor' Martin Luther King Jr. with Top 10 Favorite Quotes

    In U.S. history, few speeches have so deeply impacted the listeners' lives than that of former civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His speech "I Have A Dream" resonated with the voices of the oppressed among the African-American communities and those who agree that racial segregation must end during the height of the civil rights movement and beyond.
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    Christian Leaders Pay Tribute to Nelson Mandela for His Leadership Legacy

    Nelson Mandela, former South Africa president and anti-apartheid icon, died today after a long bout with lung cancer. After being jailed for 27 years, he led the peaceful protest movement to end apartheid and eventually to democracy. He was revered not only by the people in South Africa, but his leadership legacy have earned the respect of people all around the world.
  • Glenn Beck Mark Driscoll Interview

    Glenn Beck Interviews Mark Driscoll: The Age of Intolerance

    Radio host Glenn Beck interviewed Mark Driscoll about the drastic change in American society's view of tolerance, especially in regard to the church. Driscoll, who pastors Mars Hill Church in Seattle, is passionate about reaching the un-churched, whose main qualm with Christianity tends to be its "lack of tolerance."
  • Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Sparked the Reformation on All Hallows’ Eve

    Today marks the 496th anniversary of the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a Roman Catholic Church in Wittenberg, Saxony, protesting the selling of indulgences and the ability of the Pope to absolve sins. The reformation that followed effectively divided the Western church into the Protestant and Catholic denominations of Christianity.
  • Pastor Mark Driscoll

    Mark Driscoll Invites John MacArthur to Resurgence Conference

    After much attention sparked by Pastor Mark Driscoll's visit to John MacArthur's cessationist Strange Fire Conference in California, Driscoll has formally invited Pastor MacArthur to the national Resurgence Conference in Seattle in November. Driscoll, who is a continuationist, was stopped by security from handing out free copies of his upcoming book, "A Call to Resurgence: Will Christianity Have a Funeral or a Future?"
  • Pastor John MacArthur

    Pastor Shane Idleman Responds: John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Conference

    Pastor Shane Idleman made a humble plea for balance in the church regarding the work of the Holy Spirit in a recent sermon after attending John MacArthur's Strange Fire Conference in California last week. While Idleman certainly respects and agrees with MacArthur and other prominent attendees such as Dr. R. C. Sproul on several matters of theology, he wishes that conference speakers would have painted a more accurate picture of the charismatic movement. He contends that many Pentecostal believers have biblically-sound theology and do not partake in what he calls the hyper-charismatic "circus."
  • Linda Wilson-Allen

    Linda Wilson-Allen, An 'Angel' on San Francisco's 45-MUNI Line, Blesses Congregation at Stanford

    Transit operator Linda Wilson-Allen is an angel to those who ride the 45-Muni bus line in San Francisco. Her remarkable story of treating her job as her ministry was featured on the front page of San Francisco Chronicles in early Sept. A church with roots stemming from the founders of Stanford University thought her testimony was so transformative invited her to give a testimony and a blessing of prayer to its congregation, many of whom are the social elites in the nation.
  • Rick Warren Rallies Against DC Comic Contest of Harley Quinn's Suicide Depiction

    Rick Warren has joined the heads of American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), American Psychiatric Association (APA), and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in protesting against DC Comic's contest that invites artists to develop ways to depict suicide attempts by one of its main villains - Harley Quinn.
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    Interview: Tony Evans on Racial Reconciliation and the Adopt-A-School Initiative

    Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas is working to alleviate racial disunity in the church and in our nation. He recently released a book addressing racial reconciliation entitled "#WeCanDoBetter: Healing the Racial Divide," and has founded The National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative where diverse churches nationwide can work together to provide mentoring, tutoring, and family support services to students.
  • Chinese Christians

    Significant Growth in Numbers of Chinese Christians

    A recent report showed the Chinese mainland saw more than 2.4 million Protestant Christian followers baptized during the five years to the end of 2012, with experts saying more people are turning to the religion for help and spiritual consolation.
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    Rev. Wilfred Su: Church Revival Begins at Building Christianized families

    During the 10th Anniversary celebration of the Harvest Chinese Church held in greater Washington D.C., Rev. Wilfred Su (the mentor of the Church’s pioneer Rev. Boli Zhang) shared and testified that the revival of the church was based on the Christianization of the family. He encouraged the congregation to follow the Bible to build a family with Christ as its focus.
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    John Ortberg: Three Steps to Living Out an ''Authentic Community''

    The Rev. John Ortberg, senior pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, Calif., an evangelical church with more than 4,000 members, recently preached in his sermon about living out an authentic community. He gave an example from Mark 3, in which “Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve...that they might be with him and that he might send them out..."
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    Return of the Early Church: House that Change the World

    Chinese churches have mushroomed in the United States over the past two decades, particularly in immigrant-rich areas such as Los Angeles, New York, and the San Francisco Bay area. Whatever the nature of these churches — denominational or non-denominational, traditional or charismatic, remote or urban — all of them were founded with the dream of creating spiritual and cultural community, while building a bridge of faith between their new and native lands.
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    Anglican Head to Visit Vatican for Unity Celebration

    Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams will join in the anniversary celebration of a unity council at the Vatican next week. The visit follows the resignations of five Anglican bishops who converted to the Roman Catholic Church.
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    Hong Kong's Protestant Churches Blooming

    Protestant churches in Hong Kong are blooming with an annual growth rate 6.2% over the last five years and the number of Protestants in the former British colony drawing close to 300,000.
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