Rev. Stephen Tong’s 2024 South America Gospel Rally emphasizes Jesus as the only way to God

Oct 17, 2024 12:44 PM EDT

Rev. Stephen Tong preached in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, analyzing Eastern and Western cultures and religions, and emphasizing that the only true way to life is through Jesus. (Photo: Video screenshot from the Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International)
Rev. Stephen Tong preached in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, analyzing Eastern and Western cultures and religions, and emphasizing that the only true way to life is through Jesus. (Photo: Video screenshot from the Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International)

In a sermon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Chinese evangelist Rev. Stephen Tong preached that Jesus was a Jew and pointed out that “the birthplace of Christianity is in Asia. In so doing, he asserted that neither Eastern nor Western religions can lead people to the truth, and that only Jesus can lead people to God because He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Gospel Rally in South and Central America

From August to September this year, Rev. Stephen Tong embarked on a gospel rally tour in South and Central America, preaching at Sunday services in Santiago, Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, Brazil, delivering the message of the Gospel.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life

In his sermon in Rio de Janeiro on August 30, Tong quoted John 14:6, “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.’” Tong highlighted “no one has ever come to the Father”, pointing out that, “No one has ever said this but Jesus Christ. Man's life is tied to all three, and the only true life is built on the way of truth.”

Tong further elucidated that this statement reveals three important truths: firstly, life needs to find the right direction; secondly, the nature of man is to be created in the image of God, and unlike animals, human beings have a conscience and ethical and moral distinctions.

Evolution and Human Uniqueness

Tong criticized the theory of evolution as being too superficial and pointed out that the Bible provides a deeper meaning. He emphasized that humans possess a conscience and can feel shame, which is an essential difference from animals. In addition, both Aristotle and Eastern philosophers recognized that humans possess a unique mind and ability to think.

The Birthplace of Christianity in Asia

In his sermon, Tong pointed out that while Western culture emphasizes reasoning, technology, and knowledge, Eastern culture focuses more on the growth of the soul and inner purification. He especially mentioned that the Jesus of Christianity was a Jew and that the birthplace of Christianity is in Asia, while European religions are mainly from Greek mythology.

Differences between Religions

Tong explored the differences between religions, asking, “Every religion claims to have the right path, but are these paths really the same? What is the difference between Taoism, Islam and Christianity?” He emphasized that Eastern religions focus on spiritual practice, while Western religions emphasize rational thinking, yet the “path” proclaimed by Jesus is the only one that truly leads to God.

In the end, Tong concluded, “All religions come from one God, and Jesus is the only one who can proclaim, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’. Only He can truly lead us to salvation and cause us to be born again in Him.”