Chinese Pastor, Rev. Boli Zhang Talks Shockingly Low Christian Voter Turnouts in the U.S.

Oct 09, 2024 10:41 AM EDT

Renowned Chinese pastor Rev. Boli Zhang recently called on Christians to pay attention to the 2024 election on his personal YouTube platform, citing current data that states shockingly low Christian voter turnout rates. He suggested that Christians have failed to fulfill their family, social, and political responsibilities.

Rev. Boli first explains the current election situation: the race between Republicans and Democrats is very tight, especially in the seven swing states, with Trump leading in four and Harris leading in three. “Every election is extremely important, and the 2024 election is especially critical because it will determine the future direction of conservatives and liberals,” states Rev. Boili. “If the conservatives win, then a revival in economics and a return of faith and morality could return. On the other hand, if the liberals win office, America could lean to the extreme left, and even slide into an economic situation similar to Venezuela.”

Using his personal platform, Rev. Boli quoted Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel from Leesburg, Virginia, in a recent interview with CBN. He noted that there are 90 million evangelical Christians in the U.S., of which nearly 40 million are expected to stay home on election day, and another 15 million Christians aren’t even registered voters. These statistics reveal an overarching sense of apathy among American Christians towards the general election. Siding strongly with Pastor Gary’s beliefs on voting, Rev. Boli was shocked at the apathy of Christians towards politics. He argued in the video that the fate of the nation is at stake because of the apathy and inaction of Christians.

“As followers of Christ, we have been given a holy commission, but in reality, the lives of many Christians don’t reflect this identity, and they have not actively participated in family, social, and political matters.” Citing Pastor Gary again, Rev. Boli said: “The identity of a Christian comes from God’s redemptive plan. We call this the ‘royal priesthood’. We are called to carry the responsibility to reveal God’s character, to intercede for the world, and to fulfill the will of God on earth. However, many Christians now do not fulfill their due duty and responsibility in family, society, and politics.”

“Family-wise, many Christian family values are gradually being diluted. Parents do not fulfill the responsibility of nurturing faith in their children, divorce rates have gone up, and family values are now increasingly converging with secular views.”

“In terms of social and moral responsibility, Christians have been silent on key ethical issues, failing to speak out against injustice. Many have accepted secular models of marriage and consumerist lifestyles.”

“About political participation, many Christians either choose to completely disengage with politics, or compromise and fail to advocate for just laws and policies.”

Ending with a quote from John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country,” Rev. Boli called on Christians to realize the importance of being involved in their society.