Franklin Graham has warned that Americans today are living through the "Great Deception" as Hollywood and the liberal media continue to celebrate and promote sin - the consequence of which is death.
In a Facebook post shared on Sunday, Graham, the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Christian relief charity Samaritan's Purse, lamented the downward spiral of today's culture.
"In the 1930's America had The Great Depression. Now we have The Great Deception," he wrote. "Hollywood and media moguls want you to think sin is okay, even something to celebrate. It's not. Sin has a price, and the price is death--spiritual death."
The evangelist warned that God does not take sin lightly: "God is the righteous judge and the Bible says He is 'standing at the door,'" he continued. "One day 'says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess' (Romans 14:11)."
Billy Graham's son, who recently finished the last leg of his Decision America Tour in North Carolina with a crowd of over 14,200, frequently warns that the moral and spiritual trajectory of our nation will not change unless Americans elect God-fearing politicians to office.
"'If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked' (Proverbs 29:12)," Graham wrote in a recent issue of Decision magazine. "When the president of the United States and those around him actively adopt and promote iniquity, then that evil becomes systemic, spreading through the courts, schools, businesses, and state and local governments, infecting virtually every level of public life."
"This is why November's elections-local, state and national-are so critical...[We] must do what we can to make our voices heard through the electoral process," he said. "We must examine the issues and the candidates and vote for those we feel best fit our Christian worldview."
He urged Christians to study the candidates' stand on important issues that affect marriage, family, the sanctity of life and religious liberty, among others, and to evaluate these based on Biblical teachings.
Graham has previously insisted he will not endorse any candidate, as he believes America's hope is in God alone.
"I have absolutely zero hope in the Democratic Party," Graham told the crowd during the Indiana leg of his "Decision America" tour. "Now, before you Republicans start high-fiving each other, I have absolutely zero hope in the Republican Party. The only hope for this country is Almighty God."
However, he has also repeatedly emphasized the need to exercise one's right to vote.
he said: "I'm grateful for those who have been steadfast in their convictions, but they are too few. Ultimately, while doing all we can this fall to fulfill our civic responsibilities, our hope must remain in Almighty God alone."