"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has shared some strong words regarding the current presidential election, stating that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is "living proof" that the devil is the "Father of Lies."
"Our founding fathers warned us repeatedly to never let this day come, but the day has now come upon us. I mean, think about it. The Democratic Party ... when Barack Obama ran, they literally booed God out of the Democratic Party. I mean, not only ran Him out and took His name out of their platform, they booed Him out," Robertson said during a recent interview with Breitbart News Daily. "So, you get what you ask for, so here we are. So the bottom line is, [when someone said they] entertain the thought of maybe voting for Hillary Clinton, I said, they ran God out of the Democratic Party. She has a hard time telling the truth because the Evil One is the Father of Lies, according to Jesus, and she's living proof of it, my man."
The "Duck Commander" narrates Torchbearer, a new documentary directed by veteran filmmaker Steve Bannon that examines what happens to Western civilized societies when God is completely cut out from all spheres of public life.
"If you look around, the frustration you see coming out of America, in my opinion, is primarily being fueled by the depravity [that] has become mainstream," Robertson said during an earlier Breitbart interview. "Murder is mainstream, we slaughter our own children. We priss around and parade our perversion; it's being done in front of our very eyes. Depravity, literally. And I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime. But it has literally become mainstream."
During a recent interview with My Faith Votes, Robertson, who, along with several members of his family has publicly endorsed GOP candidate Donald Trump, told voters to consider biblical principles before casting their votes.
"I am going to leave that up to you to cast your vote. I would say cast your vote for the one that we have a better chance to remain the republic that we are," Robertson said. "So, I would just simply say: You have political correctness on the one side. Biblical correctness on the other. I am on the biblically-correct side. Therefore, I would tiptoe through the tulips but you just have to vote your conscience ..."
The "Duck Commander", who previously said he wants to be Trump's spiritual adviser, shared how the issue of abortion is close to his family's heart, as the Bible clearly issues the commandment, "Do not kill." He referenced how Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has vocally supported "women's rights" and abortion service provider Planned Parenthood in explaining why he won't vote for her.
"Remember, everything I do is vetted through the Bible. When God says 'don't murder,' I'm taking it for what He said. Therefore, don't kill your children in their womb. It's murder. So, don't murder," Robertson said.
He urged the American people to remember that ultimately, it's up to them to choose who will next represent the country.
"The people that get elected and are sent to Washington, D.C. to represent us, the United States citizens, we are the ones that put them in there," Robertson said. "The problem is not so much the ones that end up in there - the politicians - it is the people who put them in there. We elect people. Well, if you elect depraved souls, you are going to get depravity. That's just the way it works."