As the heat of the election fever subsides, the influential Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) assures firm support for the government, offered prayers for the victors and words of wisdom to those who are not.
CBCP President Archbishop Socrates Villegas reminded winning candidates to credit their victory, be it to fame nor to popularity to God "who calls you to service and to care for the weakest and the most distressed in our midst."
Rodrigo Duterte enjoys a margin of over four million votes against his closest rival from the ruling Liberal Party (LP) Mar Roxas in the Presidential race as the Philippines poll body, the Commission on Election, is about to complete the canvassing of votes.
"The greatest promise the Church can offer any government is vigilant collaboration, and that offer we make now," Villegas said, urging people to work together for the good of all.
In the same statement entitled "Get up, Let us go!" Villegas also urged the victors to be faithful to their mandate of serving the people, assuring them of their prayers for wisdom
He said neglect of children, exploitation of women, marginalized indigenous people and the vaunted economic growth mean more for Filipinos living outside urban areas.
To those who lose in the election, Villegas said, surely there are so many other ways to contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God, and "it is for you to discover your paths, in faith and in docility to God's spirit."
On several critics about the church meddling in state politics, Villegas said many have asked us to desist from interfering, but we cannot.
"We do not aspire after office nor impose upon the faithful a set of anointed candidates. But it would be a denial of Christ's universal lordship if we desist from reminding his people of what is fidelity to him," he said.