The Rev. Billy Graham recently shared his thoughts on Heaven and why he believes it is better than we can even imagine in a recent "My Answers" post on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's website.
Responding to a question from a reader who asked if Heaven will be "different" from everything we know here on earth, Graham said the Bible very intentionally gives us very little information regarding eternity.
"Our minds are simply too limited to fully understand its glory and greatness. As the Bible says, 'What we will be has not yet been made known' (1 John 3:2).'"
The renowned preacher noted, however, that the Bible does reveal two "very important" truths regarding Heaven: First, Heaven is glorious, far more glorious than anything we can even begin to imagine on Earth.
"The most spectacular sunset you've ever witnessed ... the most beautiful flower you ever examined ... the most awesome mountain range you ever saw ... all these will be as nothing compared with heaven's glory. When the Apostle John was given a glimpse of heaven, he 'fell down to worship' (Revelation 22:8)," wrote Graham.
Second, the Bible clearly indicates that in Heaven, we won't feel like complete strangers, because much of it will seem familiar to us.
"John's vision of the heavenly city included streets, and trees, and walls, and gates, and a river of clearest water (see Revelation 21-22). It will be like the Garden of Eden, but without any danger from sin or Satan. Jesus said, 'My Father's house has many rooms. ... I am going there to prepare a place for you' (John 14:2)."
The most important truth the Bible offers about Heaven is that all who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior can go there, Graham concluded.
"The reason is because God has provided the way, and that way is Jesus Christ, who gave his life for our salvation. Is your faith and trust in him?"
Last month, Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham, revealed that his father is in fairly good health, but longing for the day he can reunite with his wife, Ruth Graham, in Heaven.
In a 2015 interview with FCN, the younger Graham also said he believes God is leaving his father on earth as a comfort to believers, especially now that Christians are being attacked more and more.
"His desire is still there to tell the world about God's love for them and how God sent His Son, Jesus Christ from heaven to earth to take the sins of all mankind to the cross, die, and arise on the third day," Franklin Graham wrote in an earlier Facebook post. "My father's desire is that all men and women everywhere would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and trust Him and follow Him as their Lord."
Just before his 97th birthday, Billy Graham released his final book: "Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond."
"Heaven seems a mystery to many people," the elder Graham wrote. "They wonder if Heaven is above the lofty clouds, or if Heaven will come down to earth. When I am asked, 'Where is Heaven?' I simply answer: Heaven is where Jesus is."