More rumors about "19 Kids and Counting" reboot are emerging. The latest one revolves around Josh Duggar being part of the new show if there is one.
According to Design and Trend, it seems possible that the new show will coincide with Josh's release date from the rehab. He was checked into Reformer Unanimous last year for his pornographic addiction. If this is so, fans can expect Josh to be on the TLC reboot, probably talking about his stint on the rehab and how it changed him.
In the meantime, Josh has a related battle to win- his pending case from porn star Danica Dillon, who sued him for violence during paid sex sessions. TMZ now reported that Dillon is willing to drop her case against Josh, as long as she will have the option to refile it in the future. Her lawyers approached Josh's camp of the idea, but the reality star refuses to cooperate.
New legal docs revealed that Dillon's lawyers approached Josh's attorneys to see if they will agree to the conditional dismissal, but to no avail. Josh's camp said they do not want a dismissal with such a condition of future refiling. Moreover, Dillon has to retract all her allegations on her social media accounts, which greatly damaged the reputation of the "19 Kids and Counting" star. Josh's lawyers also stipulated they will only agree to a dismissal if Dillon pays for all the legal fees Josh spent because of these charges.
It remains to be seen what would happen in the case, whether it is Josh or Dillon who would break first. But Dillon's sudden change of heart, or willingness to drop the case, albeit with some conditions, appears surprising. Before this, she was standing firm on her allegations. She reported she suffered $500,000 worth of damages, both emotional and physical. She even said Josh's actions caused her to have post-traumatic stress disorder.
Both camps have signed confidentiality agreements, which means texts, pictures, and other damaging evidence will be kept out of the public's eye. If the case is dismissed, then Josh goes away scot free from the charges, but if the two go back and forth with threats and accusations, Josh might face his worst nightmare in the form of a trial by jury on May 25 this year, Inquisitr reports. Regardless of who will win this case, Josh's reputation may be beyond repair at this time. His family already suffered the brunt of his actions.