As Pastor Benny Hinn continues his recovery in an Orange County, California hospital, official word has come down from Benny Hinn Ministries explaining a bit more about what happened.
"We can confirm that Pastor Benny Hinn was admitted to a California hospital Friday evening where he was treated for temporarily reduced oxygen levels stemming from atrial fibrillation, a condition he has experienced intermittently for over 20 years."
This means that the heart condition was not any type of a heart attack, as was reported by some outlets, but rather a flare-up of a previous condition called atrial fibrillation that causes abnormal heart beating. The condition is completely treatable and currently affects around 2% to 3% of the population.
"The rapid uncoordinated heart rate may result in reduced cardiac output, with the heart being unable to provide adequate blood flow and therefore oxygen delivery to the rest of the body," according to Dr. Cecilia Gutierrez, MD, in an article for American Family Physician. "Common symptoms of uncontrolled atrial fibrillation may include shortness of breath."
Hinn's daughter reported earlier this week that her father's heart rate hit 200 beats-per-minute, which is a sure sign of atrial fibrillation. But since the condition has been ongoing, Hinn's doctor took the necessary precautions and treatment was effective.
"His physicians expect he will be released from the hospital very soon, as his condition has been addressed," spokesman Ronn Torossian said in the statement. "Thankfully, his doctors report no damage to his heart and expect a full and complete recovery. Within a very short time Pastor Benny fully expects to be back on his feet ministering around the world."
Pastor Hinn first reported shortness of breath on his return from a week-long crusade in Brazil for his faith-healing ministry. Hid oldest daughter, Jessica Hinn Koulianos, says that he received immediate care from his cardiologist, and the condition was caught in time before any serious complications emerged.
"Once he got in the hospital he experienced almost immediate relief and has continued to grow stronger each day," she wrote in a message on the Benny Hinn Ministries website on Monday. "At this moment, his physicians are conducting thorough tests, the results of which have been very positive. He is alert and in good spirits, and we expect he will be released later this week."
Hinn's spokesman says that Pastor Hinn will continue with his hectic schedule right after the physicians clear him from the hospital, and we can expect him to get right back into traveling soon. "Due to the growth and global expansion of his Ministry, Pastor Benny Hinn has been traveling extensively. He expects to continue with his schedule within a very short time."
The Hinn family now asks for your continued prayers for a quick recovery. "Pastor Benny Hinn and his family ask for the public to pray for his health, and a full and speedy recovery," said Torossian.