A Christian woman controversially took over the podium during Texas Muslim Capitol Day to expose the lie of Islam and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ before being escorted off stage.
50 year old Christine Weick, who previously made headlines after proclaiming Christ during a Muslim prayer service in Washington, D.C., recalled the incident on her Facebook page.
"I stood with my sign in the area designated for us with the other "standers". I really had no intention of speaking at all when I arrived. But when I had seen the podium and open microphone... well maybe I would!" she wrote.
"The media was setting up the cameras facing the podium and the steps. My friend Liz found me and I told her what I planned to do. I asked her to tell the group to pray for me and also gave her my keys to my SUV. I instructed her to take care of my vehicle in case I was arrested. Then I prayed."
She added, "I grabbed the mic with both hands. And said, "I proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over the Capitol of Texas! I stand against Islam and the false prophet Mohammad! Islam will never dominate the United States and by the grace of God it will not dominate Texas!" Two Muslims tried to remove me, but I held on to the mic tightly - I nearly toppled over the podium! I intended to finish what I started to say."
Ms. Weick's comments were made during the seventh annual Texas Muslim Capitol Day, held on January 29, a time when those of the Islamic faith visit the capitol building in Austin to speak to lawmakers and learn more about the democratic process, according to the Dallas Morning News. An estimated 150 Muslims and their supporters gathered on the front steps of the capitol building for the event, and were joined by a representative from Sen. Rodney Ellis' office (D-Houston).
"People of all faiths deserve to be treated with respect and dignity in our state's capitol while they exercise their rights in a peaceful manner," Ellis remarked in a statement provided to the Houston Chronicle. "We felt the need to stand in solidarity with Texas Muslims in the face of virulent hate speech and bigotry."
Around 25 people, along with Ms. Weick, protested the event, holding signs supporting Christianity and Israel and chanting slogans such as "Islam is a lie" and "no Sharia here."
Among those protesting was Protester Darcy Savage from Leesburg, Fla., who argued that the Founding Fathers did not intend freedom of religion to extend beyond Christianity.
"Muslims are counter-Christian. They will kill you for being a Christian," Savage said before the rally according to a local news source. "I don't trust any Muslims. They want to impose Shariah on us."
Last November, Ms. Weick controversially proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ during an Islamic Jumaa prayer gathering at Washington's National Cathedral.
"Jesus Christ died on that cross over there," she declared as she walked to the front of the room just before the prayers began. "He is the reason why we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior!"
She added, "We have built, and allowed you here in mosques across this country," she continued. "Why can't you worship in your mosque, and leave our churches alone?"
Even though she continues to draw widespread criticism for her protesting methods, Ms. Weick says she will continue to stand for truth--and encourages Christians to join her.
"We made a difference! The Lord was honored first! Allah was knocked off his block! Praise God!" she wrote on her Facebook. "Rise up Christians. Rise up Americans. Rise up for GOD and COUNTRY!"