The Jeremy Lin Foundation launched a seven-day challenge for people to show love to others in simple, tangible ways. The campaign began with "Lost for Words," a video about Lin befriending a refugee from Myanmar who was being bullied by his new American classmates - a simple act of love, noticing and uplifting those whose hearts are downcast.
Lin's foundation is tweeting daily challenges for followers to display kindness and love toward others. The first challenge was to take the time to thank at least one person who has made a difference in your life. The next day's challenge was to notice those who you interact with on a daily basis. Lin suggested taking special notice of a classmate or a coworker who you can show your appreciation to. Fans responded with stories of co-workers, family, and friends who had made noticeable differences in their lives who they were inspired to thank.
Lin's next suggested act of love was to take the time to learn about someone who is different than you. "Keep an open mind and find out what makes them unique," he says. This is especially helpful for international students who may not speak English well or know many people when they first arrive on campus.
The fourth challenge was to express love to someone through kind words, or perhaps by reconciling with someone you haven't spoken with in a while. "Get creative!" Lin says. One fan later relayed that she got a great response in the office one morning by simply hugging her co-workers and telling them "Happy Monday."
Yesterday's suggestion was to show love through giving - whether time, talents, or financial help - to someone who might need it. "Be generous!" Lin said. He promoted day five with a video explaining what he planned to do that day to show generosity to others. The Houston Rockets were traveling to Los Angeles that day, and he planned to show kindness to the security guard outside the arena where they would practice. "I'm just going to bring him some food, and maybe a drink or something like that - just to boost him or give him some energy," he said. He also planned to have a conversation with his flight attendants on the plane ride over to see how he might minister to them.
Today's challenge was to make a short video about an experience you've had showing acts of love to others. Lin encourages fans to post to social media so that their story can be shared. You can follow @jlinfoundation to see tomorrow's challenge, and can post about your experiences using #ActsofLove on Twitter.