Toronto, Ontario – August 2011 – According to a November 2010 report from Global Scripture Impact, “Bible engagement in North America is at a shockingly low level, not only within the general population, but among church-attending Christians.” In an effort to effectively shine the light of God’s Word upon an otherwise darkened world, CBS has recently undertaken a number of strategic campaigns including partnerships with ministries and Bible societies around the world; various applications of social media networking; and the successful use of new technology, applied most recently with the inclusion of QR codes in our Bible Sunday drive.
Now, in a bold initiative that combines the growing popularity of e-publishing with the need to reach out in more personal and dynamic ways, CBS is launching the “Open the Bible; Open Your Mind” Shameless Bible Reader campaign. This eye-catching title reflects our conviction that when the true value of Scripture is realized, lives are dramatically changed by the transforming message of God’s Word. And, in a unique twist on the publishing dilemma of trying to figure out the public’s interests and needs, CBS will ask supporters to nominate and vote on the topics and issues they most want to know about related to the Bible. The winning subject, as determined by the title with the most votes, will be offered in a well-researched but easy-to-read book fully prepared and published within 100 days. The entire editorial journey – from creating the outline, to developing each chapter, through the final editing process – can be followed daily on Facebook, blogs and the CBS website.
Each donation of $10 or more towards one of a number of global Bible distribution projects will receive a free downloadable copy of the book along with the satisfaction of knowing that the money will be used to help fund the project’s goal of giving Bibles to 100,000 people. The Shameless Bible Reader book will be available through CBS and will be for sale from PraiseBooks, a Vancouver based company that has been distributing digital media to the church since 1998.
On the web: Shameless Bible Reader
[Source: Canadian Bible Society]