July 22 in Christian History

Jul 22, 2011 05:50 AM EDT

1620 - A small congregation of English Separatists, led by John Robinson, began theiremigration to the New World. Today, this historic group of religious refugees has come tobe known as the 'Pilgrims.'

1836 - Birth of Emily E. S. Elliott, Anglican missions supporter and hymnwriter. Nieceof Charlotte Elliott (who wrote the hymn 'Just As I Am'), Emily penned the words to the hymn'Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne.'

1847 - The first large company of Mormon immigrants entered the Salt Lake Valley, in whatwas still Mexican territory. Soon after, Mormon leader Brigham Young founded Salt Lake City,Utah.

1865 - Birth of Peter P. Bilhorn, sacred composer. He produced over 1,400 hymns in hislife, including 'I Will Sing the Wondrous Story' and 'Sweet Peace, The Gift of God's Love.'

1981 - Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca, 23, was sentenced to life imprisonment for his attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in May of this year.

© 1987-2011, William D. Blake. Used by permission of the author, from

Almanac of the Christian Church