As we also have forgiven our debtors. (Matt. 6:12)
We are often quick to ask for forgiveness, but slow to give it. We like to think the two are separated, but in the Lord’s Prayer they are connected. This part of the prayer is spoken differently by various traditions. Some say “debtors”; others say “those who trespass against us”; and still others “those who sin against us.” Regardless of word choice, however, the fact remains that this section of the prayer calls us to responsibility.
We are expected to forgive others in order to fully experience our own forgiveness.
Even though in Christ we have received forgiveness for our sins, we still continue to ask
for forgiveness because of the peace that comes from each act of forgiveness.
When we forgive others, we participate in Christ’s forgiveness. When we witness the power of forgiveness in another person’s life, we more fully feel our own forgiveness.
God requires us to forgive others because it falls under the category of treating others how we want to be treated: the Golden Rule. Forgiveness is a dynamic state of ongoing giving and receiving. Only when we submit to our responsibility to forgive others as we ask God to forgive us can we enjoy the fullness of Calvary.
To be forgiven . . . and to forgive . . . is a gift. Open it!
Used with Permission