NULL March 1st in Christian History

March 1st in Christian History

Mar 01, 2010 01:43 PM EST

1633 - On his deathbed, English poet and clergyman George Herbert, 39, uttered these last words: 'I shall be free from sin and all the temptations and anxieties that attend it...I shall dwell... where these eyes shall see my Master and Savior.'

1692 - The Salem Witch Trials in the Massachusetts colony officially began with the conviction of Rev. Samuel Parris' West Indian slave, Tituba, for witchcraft.

1810 - Georgetown College was chartered in Washington, D.C., making it the first Roman Catholic institution of higher learning established in the United States.

1910 - The first issue of "The Evening Light and Church of God Evangel" was published in Cleveland, Tennessee. A. J. Tomlinson, the publishing editor, was an instrumental figure in the history of the Church of God (also headquartered today in Cleveland, Tennessee).

1966 - Swiss Reformed theologian Karl Barth wrote in a letter: If Jesus is and does what we read in 1 John 2:2, then He prays for all men: for those who already pray and for those who do not yet pray.'

© 1987-2010, William D. Blake. Used by permission of the author, from

Almanac of the Christian Church