NULL God's Gift to Us

God's Gift to Us

Dec 01, 2008 02:01 PM EST

Romans 8:1-11

Imagine this courtroom scene: After a long trial, emotions are running high, the most noticeable one being hostility toward the convict. The judge issues his verdict: guilty of murder in the first degree. Then a punishment is decided—the death penalty. Tearfully, the mother of the victim rises, puts her arms around the murderer, and says to the judge, “Let me die in his place.”

Who’d do such a thing? What mom would take the punishment of one who had wronged her so grievously? But while the anecdote is fictional, here’s a true story that’s even more amazing: the Lord—Creator of all—died in our place while we were His enemies who deserved death (Rom. 5:8-10).

And His gift encompasses far more than removal of our punishment. Once we receive Jesus as our personal Savior, we are flooded with blessings. Our sins are forgiven, and we are also freed from condemnation, clothed in righteousness, and promised eternal life in the Lord’s presence. In addition, as His adopted children (Eph. 1:5), we are heirs who will “obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven…” (1 Pet. 1:4).

What’s more, the Holy Spirit—God Himself—lives in believers to guide, comfort, and teach. He seals us until the day of redemption, which means that nothing can undo our salvation (John 10:29). In other words, we are free from the bondage of insecurity and fear.

When we start to grasp all that the Lord has given us, gratitude will naturally flow. Tell Him how thankful you are.

Used with Permission