1536 - Thirteen years after Lutheran ministers came to bring spiritual renewal to its people, Denmark adopted Lutheranism as its official state religion.
1738 - English founder of Methodism John Wesley explained in a letter: 'By a "Christian," I mean one who so believes in Christ as that sin hath no more dominion over him.'
1768 - The Wesley Chapel on John Street in New York City was dedicated. It was the first Methodist church building to be erected in the American colonies, and was restored in 1817, and again in 1840.
1902 - Pope Leo XIII published the apostolic letter "Vigilantiae," which officially established the Pontifical Commission of Biblical Studies. Created to safeguard the authority of Scripture from outside secular criticism, in 1904 the Commission was empowered to confer academic degrees.
1976 - Dr. Joseph H. Evans was elected president of the United Church of Christ. It made him the first African-American leader of this predominantly white denomination.
© 1987-2008, William D. Blake. Used by permission of the author, from
Almanac of the Christian Church