NULL The Party’s Over

The Party’s Over

Oct 17, 2008 05:09 AM EDT

Last week I opened the New York Times—and read one of the most powerful ads I’ve ever seen.

The ad was paid for by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. I had the privilege of working with Pete Peterson when we were in the White House together—he’s a shrewd guy who became Secretary of Commerce and made a small fortune in the financial world. That small fortune he’s now spending to educate the American people. His message in the advertisement was a heroic call to Americans to take over the political process before it’s too late.

In his two-page ad in the Times, Peterson outlines the problem facing the American economy: “As disruptive and damaging as today’s mortgage sub-prime crisis is,” he warns, “We’re looking at a “super sub-prime” crisis, which, if left unaddressed, will hurt many more Americans—and hurt much worse.”

Among many inconvenient truths: “Each household’s share of the nation’s $53 trillion debt is $455,000—almost 10 times the median household income. This is unfinanceable!” he clearly warns.

Vital research and development, infrastructure, and children’s programs are already getting squeezed, Peterson writes; “We cannot grow our way out of the problems or solve them simply by cutting earmarks and pork-barrel spending.” We could do these things, plus cancel the Bush tax cuts, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and we would still be only 15 percent of the way to solvency.

Peterson has a few hard questions to ask our presidential candidates. How, for example, do they plan to slow the rate of growth in health care costs that threaten to bankrupt America? How will they encourage the country to save more and reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign lenders? And he wants to know if they support a bi-partisan commission to review everything on the table and make recommendations with a guaranteed up-or-down vote by the next Congress.

Congressman Frank Wolf, my friend, has proposed such a commission, called SAFE. It would examine all entitlements, identify what we can afford—and slash what we cannot. The commission would submit its proposals to Congress for an up-or-down vote. (The only changes permitted would be those that leave the long-term budget impact unchanged.)

Peterson is correctly warning us that no political promise is going to solve our problems. The only thing that will solve it is Americans being willing to accept a whole new way of life. We need to be willing to share sacrifices and make very tough choices. No more politicians promising to socialize everything, which will simply make a horrific problem even worse.

I urge you to read it, sign the petition, and invite your friends to do the same thing.

Our leaders need to sober up. The sad truth is, they will only do so if we force them to. A grassroots campaign to support SAFE would be a very good start—in fact, the only plan that has any chance of solving this horrific problem.

We have to take back our government—and put America on its feet again. If we don’t, our children and grandchildren will pay the price for generations yet to come.


From BreakPoint®, October 15, 2008, Copyright 2008, Prison Fellowship Ministries. Reprinted with the permission of Prison Fellowship Ministries. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of Prison Fellowship Ministries. “BreakPoint®” and “Prison Fellowship Ministries®” are registered trademarks of Prison Fellowship