NULL Sept. 18 in Christian History

Sept. 18 in Christian History

Sep 18, 2008 03:54 PM EDT

52 - Birth of Marcus Ulpius Trajan, Emperor of Rome from AD 98-117. He was the third Roman emperor to rule, after Nero (54-68) and Domitian (81-96), who persecuted the Early Church. During Trajan's reign, the apostolic father Ignatius of Antioch was martyred, in AD 117.

1765 - Birth of Oliver Holden, early Puritan pastor and statesman. His love for music is demonstrated in the hymn tune CORONATION ("All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"), which he composed in 1792 at the age of 27.

1924 - A complete Bible translation of the Old and New Testaments was published by American Bible scholar and historian James Moffatt, 54. Moffatt's intention was to make available to the lay reader, in simple language, a current scholarly understanding of the biblical text.

1930 - Death of New England music evangelist Carrie E. Rounsefell, 69. It was Rounsefell who composed the hymn tune MANCHESTER, to which we sing today, "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go."

1962 - The Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International was founded in Dallas by Gordon Lindsay, 56. In 1967, the name was changed to Christ for the Nations. It ministers today as a service agency supporting foreign missions through fund raising and literature distribution.

© 1987-2008, William D. Blake. Used by permission of the author, from Almanac of the Christian Church