Pro-Gay Education Curriculum in California Crosses another Hurdle

Pro-family groups are alarmed as the controversial pro-homosexual bill in California continues to make steps forward to the law book. Wednesday, the Senate Education Committee of the California State
May 04, 2006 01:33 PM EDT

Pro-family groups and conservative Christians are alarmed as the controversial pro-homosexual bill in California continues to make steps forward to the law book.

Wednesday, the Senate Education Committee of the California State has passed SB 1437, which prohibits instructional materials, textbooks and school-sponsored activities that reflect adversely upon persons because of their race or ethnicity, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or religion for use in public school. It has to be implemented among students of all ages, even in elementary grades.

According to CCF, the worst point of SB 1437 is that it defines "sexual orientation" as including bisexuality, and strangely defines "gender" as "a person’s gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth."

Such definition would authorize the California Department of Education to sue any school district that gives negative messages about transsexuality, cross-dressing, bisexuality, and homosexuality or same-sex marriage. The Christian voice against such unbiblical lifestyles may therefore have forced to keep silent.

Drafted by the Los Angeles-based lesbian state Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, the bill has welcomed by the Democrat-controlled State Senate Committee. Voting "yes" to pass SB 1437 were six of the committee’s Democrats - Jack Scott, Alan Lowenthal, Gloria Romero, Joe Simitian, Nell Soto, and Tom Torlakson, according to the leading California-based pro-family group Campaign for Children and Families (CCF). The sole Republican in attendance, Bill Morrow, spoke against SB 1437 in committee and voted "no."

As the Bill now crossed another hurdle, pro-family groups and Christians further raised their voice in defiance to the liberal agenda.

"SB 1437 turns every school into a sexual indoctrination center," said Thomasson, according to CCF’s press statement. "This Bill isn’t about ‘safety’ or ‘discrimination,’ it’s about leading children into sexual confusion. Democrat politicians are mentally molesting impressionable kids as young as kindergarten. Parents send their children to school for academics, not for transsexual, bisexual, or homosexual indoctrination."

CCF further condemns the Bill for advocating "all kinds of sexual lifestyles" such as same-sex marriages or even sex-change operation to vulnerable young children. Therefore, a conscience voter should not stand for the Bill.

Dr. Bill Tam, the executive director of the Traditional Family Coalition (TFC), has once pointed out that the next generation is the prey of homosexual movement. Chinese churches, as the conscience of the society, must stand up and "say no" to homosexual movement, Tam exhorted.

TFC is a California-based pro-family movement founded by leading Chinese evangelicals such as Rev. Thomas Wang and has been an outspoken advocate of anti-homosexual movement among both the Chinese and American communities.

According to CCF, more than 100 pro-family Californians packed the committee room Wednesday, outnumbering homosexual activists in attendance. This is probably the result of the large-scale effort of pro-family groups such as CCF and TFC in lobbying citizens to speak up against the pro-gay education agenda. Despite the strong liberal voice, CCF, TFC and California Family Council have spearheaded to send out warning letters to inform all American churches about the crisis since mid April.

Originally, yesterday’s hearing was to be held on around April 20, but it was postponed to April 24. Again, not until yesterday, the final result was released. That shows that the liberals have been trying hard to gain momentum among liberals or democrats to ensure the Senate will give green light to the Bill when it is put on vote. The resisting pressure exerted by conservatives is actually quite influential.

Thomasson encouraged continuous effort to fight the battle even though the liberal agenda is in progress, "The Democrat-controlled Legislature seems hell-bent on attacking local schools, parents, and their innocent children, by sexually indoctrinating them at young ages. Governor Schwarzenegger should speak up and assure parents that SB 1437 is dead meat if it reaches his desk."

For the Bill to become a law, the next vote is on the California assembly floor. After that, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the last hurdle.

"So write and call the governor and ask him to veto the bill, should he veto the bill, he will kill it and it will not become a law," Tam commented in a previous interview.