NULL Dr. Thomas Wang Initiates Campaign "America, Return to God" in New York

Dr. Thomas Wang Initiates Campaign "America, Return to God" in New York

Rev. Dr. Thomas Yung-Hsin Wang is finishing a book calling for repentance, entitled, America, Return to God, which will be published and distributed to certain leaders in the United States.
Dec 07, 2005 07:17 PM EST

Rev. Dr. Thomas Yung-Hsin Wang is finishing a book calling for repentance, entitled, America, Return to God, which will be published and distributed to certain leaders in the United States.

To promote his book, Rev. Wang, often known as the Billy Graham of the Chinese, will initiate a campaign, "America, Return to God," on Dec. 10 at the New York Divinity School on the east coast.

There he will introduce his plan of publishing 500,000 copies, as well as his purpose, to Dr. Paul de Vries, president of New York Divinity School, Chinese Christian leaders, ministry leaders, students and friends of the Divinity School.

On Wang's 80th birthday celebration on Oct. 19, he spoke on the purpose of his book saying, "We need to help the United States, but many people ask the question, 'how can we help?'" Wang added, "Through prayers and spirituality, we can help."

"If the United States falls, then there will be no other country in the world that is powerful enough or willing to stand up for justice," Wang said as one of the reasons why the United States needs to be strengthened.

The four main points of the book are: "America courting self-destruction", "A Godless America is a dead America", "Time is not on our side", "Repentance is never too late," that will contain ten short articles, calling for repentance.

Commenting on Rev. Wang as a worldwide influential evangelical leader, de Vries said that he is the type of person that is "very aware of new challenges that the churches face," and he is "committed to evangelism and to education."

"It has been my feeling for a long time that so much of Christian education has not been equipping us in facing the challenges of the time," he continued. Although Rev. Wang is an elder, he has "tremendous vision and energy to challenge every people groups of different ethnic backgrounds."

"We are delighted to be able to benefit from [Rev. Wang's] vision and insight, and take the next step to people that are committed to the Scriptures," and show them what they "need to be doing," he said.

The meeting will be held this Saturday at 10:30 a.m., at the New York Divinity School, located at 130-132 W 44th Street, near Times Square. Informal discussions will begin at the start of the meeting, with presentations and formal discussions beginning at 11:00.

Calling America to Repentance, Rev. Thomas Wang Celebrates His 80th Birthday