NULL 2 Million African-American Christians Form Coalition for Traditional Marriage

2 Million African-American Christians Form Coalition for Traditional Marriage

Jun 26, 2004 05:33 PM EDT

Fed up with parallels being made between the homosexual fight for specific privileges and the Civil Rights movement, the African-American Christian community has formed a coalition to voice their support for the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment and tradition marriage between one man an and one woman.

"We find the opposition's attempt to yoke their homosexual agenda to that of the Civil Rights movement extremely disturbing," states Bishop Keith A. Butler of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, Michigan, who put together the coalition.

Butler added, "Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue; it is a lifestyle choice, a decision, that is not natural or normal. The Civil Rights Movement has as its foundation the fight for equality for African-Americans due to our skin color," purports Butler. "Being born Black was and is not a choice for us."

A news conference on June 24 introduced the coalition of African-American Churches and ministries.

The Senate is scheduled to vote on the FMA in mid-July and the coalition is one of many efforts to rally support for the amendment.

"This Amendment is an urgently needed response to the judicial destruction of traditional marriage in America," said Butler.

One of the biggest groups joining the coalition is the Church of God in Christ Incorporated, which represents 2 million members, presided by Bishop G.E. Patterson. All of the memberships combined represent well over 2 million African-Americans across this country.

According to a statement, the Coalition will call upon the Black Caucus to take note that their support of the gay-lesbian agenda runs crosswise to the vast majority of the Black clergy members in their districts and their constituents.