Far East Broadcasting Company's Chinese Ministries formed a prayer-warrior chain at the beginning of this year that specifically calls and asks believers to assist them with spiritual support through prayers. In March, FEBC expressed gratitude to those who were generous to offer them help and support through prayers.
The "prayer-warrior chain" conceived by FEBC, is a prayer relay consisting of believers who are willing to pray for FEBC 15 to 30 minutes during their business hours from 8:30am PST to 5:00pm PST. According to FEBC, many brothers and sisters responded immediately to join this campaign .
"Some of them chose (to pray for) fifteen minutes, some even chose (to pray for) one hour. Some promised to pray once a week, some prayed everyday. Thank Lord, so many friends are willing to participate in our broadcasting ministry by their knees," said FEBC.
This year, the theme of FEBC Chinese Ministrie is "In Faith We March!" FEBC hopes that "through the various radio programs, our Christian listeners would march forward with us in faith; and those listeners who are non-believer would be loved to make their decision to accept Christ and begin their walk in faith as well". In addition, this year is the 60th anniversary of FEBC. A series of events is going on through out southern and northern California. FEBC requests more prayers for their ministries to grow well.
"We need more prayers to support the broadcasting ministry. May the Lord touch the hearts of many people and let them join the prayer-warrior team." FEBC said.