The President of InterVarsiy Christian Fellowship Dr. Alec Hill announced on Wednesday that Barney Ford was appointed to be the ministry’s new Vice President and Director of Strategic Ministries.
"The Strategic Ministries leadership team focuses on niche campus groups, develops our staff and stewards many of our Core Commitments - evangelism, prayer, spiritual formation, leadership development and extending the Kingdom cross-culturally on campus,” said Dr. Hill.
Ford will assume his new position on August 1, 2004.
Ford, who has worked with InterVarsity for 35 years, will bring his invaluable experience to his new role that includes supervision of the following ministries: Staff Development and Training, International Student Ministry, Greek (Fraternities and Sororities) Ministry, Evangelism, and Nurses Christian Fellowship, according to InterVarsity, an evangelical campus mission present on over 560 college and university campuses nationwide.
In a letter accepting the position, Ford wrote: “The life-long mission of God for my life has been students and the university in the context of the ministry of InterVarsity. My understanding of God's call, mission and the guidance that focused me on the spiritual disciplines and leadership development for our staff has not changed. It is my understanding of how the Lord would have me fulfill that mission and guidance that has changed. I am very grateful for the season of ministry apart from positional authority. I learned a great deal and that season is now complete. As I continue to learn, the time to re-engage in serving by leading has arrived."
In concluding, Ford stated, “The Scriptures teach that God gives us ministry by his mercy (2 Cor. 4:1) and that productivity in ministry is only from God (1 Cor. 3:6-7). May God's mercy continue to be lavished upon us and may God bring a great increase of the Kingdom in the university world. In accepting your offer I am utterly dependent upon both.”
Positions Ford has held in InterVarsity in the past are: Campus Staff Member, Area Director, Regional Director, Associate Director of Campus Ministry, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Urbana Director and Dean of Leadership Development.
Ford, who lives in Madison, WI, where InterVarsity is headquartered, is also the current Vice President of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. In addition, he has chaired Chapel of the Air Ministries and the Christian Partnership Council.