NULL Church Denominations Pray Together

Church Denominations Pray Together

Jan 17, 2004 01:35 PM EST

Erie, PA – According to Erie Times, Many Christian denominations will pray together Sunday during a unity service that concludes the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity sponsored by Inter-Church Ministries of Ere County.

The service will take place at 3 p.m. at the Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse, 444 E. Grandview Blvd. Followed by a reception.

Guest speaker is the Rev. John Coleman, pastor of Abiding Hope Lutheran Church, and author of "The Unexpected Teachings of Jesus" Clergy from several other denominations will also participate in the service.

The ecumenical organization, Inter-Church Ministries, administers a voucher program to provide immediate services to those in need, heads a task force on aging and sponsors prison ministry and a support network for released prisoners. It also sponsors an annual dinner that features a major ecumenical lecture.