NULL Family Research Council Washington Briefing 2004

Family Research Council Washington Briefing 2004

Jan 13, 2004 09:10 AM EST

Family Research Council

2004 Washington Briefing

Wednesday, March 17 - Saturday, March 20

The Historic Willard Hotel

Washington, D.C.

Event Highlights:

· Wednesday evening Potomac dinner cruise on board the Odyssey

· White House briefing at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building

· Plenary sessions with national leaders and policy makers

· Reception and dinner at National Press Club

· Reception and FRC gala dinner

· Open house at FRC headquarters

· Special music by Larnelle Harris; worship led by Steve Fry

Invited Speakers:

President George Bush

Gary Bauer

Senator Sam Brownback

Dr. James Dobson

Ron Faucheux

Representative Dennis Hastert

Governor Mike Huckabee

Brit Hume

Judge Roy Moore

Representative Marilyn Musgrave

Dr. Ralph Reed, Jr.

Dr. Condoleezza Rice

Senator Rick Santorum

Tony Snow

Cal Thomas

Dr. Laurence White

Other Event Details:

To register or for more information, call 1-800-225-4008 by February 6.

Single registration $349. Couple registration $699.

White House and FRC briefing space is limited!